горячая линия для пациентов
0 800 217 887
7:00 - 20:00
Консультация врача для пациентов
0 800 219 696
7:00 - 20:00
горячая линия для врачей
0 800 752 180
7:00 - 20:00
Многоканальный телефон для жителей города Киев


For a person who meets criteria for COVID-19 testing

All fields marked with "*" are mandatory to fill

Full name - be sure to indicate in the language indicated in the identity documents (English / Ukrainian / Latin).


Need the guaranteed result in 8 hours in Kyiv or in 24 (36) hours in the regions?

Choose - Coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2), COVID-19, RNA by RT-PCR-qualitative, FTD (urgent)

Show on map

Enter the street name for quick browsing

Address Taking biomaterial (by PCR) Show on map


Home address in Ukraine

Clinical data

If you crossed the state border of Ukraine, select YES mark next to the column "Stay in countries with local transmission Covid-19", choose your country and enter return date / border crossing to transfer information in Ministry of Health of Ukraine for "Action at Home".


Quantity, pcs
Providing pre-analytical stage

Group order

Group order
Quantity, pcs
Providing pre-analytical stage

¹According to the Executive Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine #722 from the 22nd of March 2020 in case of positive COVID-19 test result the Medical Laboratory is obliged to immediately inform the person’s Primary Healthcare Provider for the further case registration and sending the form #058/o to the laboratory center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The form #058/o/ contains personal data including place of work/study, address, age etc., thus this data is mandatory to be filled in this Questionnaire.

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